
Yesterday we took some pictures of our horses with reindeer-antler or Christmas-beanie. My two horses were of course used to it and made no problems but some other horses were a little bit afraid and tried to get rid of the strange trappings ;o) Like always it was very funny and from time to time I was rolling on the ground laughing because the horses tricked their owners or the other way round.

Fun, fun, fun...
Quite natural I also got pictures of my horses and me for the annual Christmas-card. Indeed it was rather complicated to get pictures of us three because SSSól was too cheeky. As I sat on Baga she always laid her head on my leg instead of looking in the middle of the camera. I will not show you the pictures here today because you will get it by mail if you were honest :o) Take it isi. The highlight on this day was the visitors I had. The parents + nephew of my friend Silla came for a visit. It was great to sit together with a coffee and listen to the newest stories from Iceland. We also had a short look at SSSól and said hello to Baga. Gušmundur checked if Baga is still speaking Icelandic and she passed. If you ask me he felt a little bit in love with her ;o) Anyhow was he hugging Baga like his own.

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1 identicon

süsse Bilder, Du ich habe Sunneva (Stóra-Baga) gestern besucht und die anderen auch und die ist inzwischen so lieb und kommt immer angelaufen und lässt sich sogar von oben bis unten knuddeln, war ganz erstaunt das ist sie überall anfassen konnte ausser an den Ohren.. aber das mag ich sleber auch nicht so gerne wenn das bei mir jemand macht :D

Hekla (IP-tala skrįš) 1.12.2008 kl. 18:28

2 identicon

Hehhe I would really like to see those pictures. I can just imagine how they look like

My father is a great horse lover and seems to have a wonderful relationship with everyone he meets   I“m glad you had a good time and yes my nephew is taken, sorry

Silla (IP-tala skrįš) 1.12.2008 kl. 19:45

3 identicon

2 neue bilder von Sunneva auf flickr

Hekla (IP-tala skrįš) 1.12.2008 kl. 22:22

4 identicon

Hahahaha, geniale Bilder :-) Das war sicher ne lustige Aktion! :-) Freu mich auch schon auf die anderen Fotos!!!

L Gr


Sonja (IP-tala skrįš) 1.12.2008 kl. 23:16

5 Smįmynd: Sabine Sebald

@Hekla: Frįbęrt!!! Flottar myndir ķ Flickr .

@Silla: I will show you some of the pictures these days . The time with your parents was really great. Maybe I will visit them in Soßmar this or next month.

@Sonja: Es war wirklich super-witzig! Schnorchelnde Pferde, fliegende Mützen und Geweihe und ein Lachkrampf nach dem anderen .

Sabine Sebald, 3.12.2008 kl. 08:43

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