16.11.2008 | 08:14
Today I start with a lansscape-picture because I have not managed to blog it before. Sometimes it's great to be awake so early in the morning:
Like I told you we lost the paddock with the small stable on where my horses lived the whole summer. Normally we should go back to the ranch of Peter now but I could not live with the fact that there is no light to ride on the riding-circle and there is also no light to do the work around horses whenever I like. You know that I am working from 8 - 17 o'clock every day but nevertheless I want to ride Baga about three times a week!
Luckily we have a regulars' table in Sehnde which is for owners of icelandic horses and there I met people who advised the new stable to me. Long story short: I checked the stable and made a deal with the owner and decided to come with the horses on 15.11.
SSSól was picked up with a horse-trailer and she was the same kind of cool like in Belgium as I picked her up after the flight. She walked on the trailer and drove to her new home without any problems! Baga and me used the chance to ride to the new stable and after about two hours we arrived there.
Now the girls need some time to like their new neighbours and to know their new home. The first days they will live beside the other horses. Short time later we will let them run together. So far so good. I'll keep you posted ;o) More pictures follow.
Another horse also find a new home these days: Sóley arrived fine in her new home Fläsch in Switzerland! I wish all the best to Corinna and her family and hope to meet them all soon again!
Askur also moved to his new home in Germany these days. It's only 70 kilometers away from my home so I will visit him as soon as possible! All the best to his owner Kirsten + family ;o)
Vį, congrats with the new home for your girls
This monument on the first picture, is that outside Sehnde? I feel like I“ve seen it before.
Silla (IP-tala skrįš) 16.11.2008 kl. 10:37
Wirklich schöne Fotos! Was ist denn das fuer ein Kreuz? Sieht aus wie ein altes Keltenkreuz oder so. Und Baga mit dem Westernsattel sieht klasse aus. Steht ihr! Und ich weiss, wie gemuetlich solche Saettel sind (auch hart am Anfang). Ich hatte ueber meinem immer einen Lammfellueberzug. Das war sooo schön!
Flśš war auch mit in dem Flieger! Sie ist auch heil (bis auf eine Schramme ueberm Auge) angekommen und die Besitzer sind gluecklich. Ich noch ein wenig geknickt.... Aber so ist das. Du kennst das ja selbst!
Drueck Dich!
P.S. Briefchen immer noch nicht angekommen?
Sonja (IP-tala skrįš) 16.11.2008 kl. 11:49
Thank you, Silla
. The first picture shows a grave on the cemetery in Wirringen. It's few kilometers outside of Sehnde.
@Sonja: Der Brief ist angekommen, vielen Dank!!!
Ja, das scheint ein Keltenkreuz zu sein. Ich stell noch mal ein Bild von der anderen Seite ein.
Ich hätte auch gerne einen Lammfellüberzug, aber der kostet...
Schön dass Flśš auch gut angekommen ist! Ihr geht es sicher toll bei den neuen Besitzern *tröst*.
Sabine Sebald, 17.11.2008 kl. 08:44
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.