5.10.2008 | 10:16
Still busy
To show you that I am still alive I have a picture for you. My colleague Nadine came for a visit on Friday with her son (we had a national holiday) and we all were riding Baga. Of course I need to exploit that somebody is with me so I asked Nadine to take photos during I am riding Baga and leading SSSól at the same time. It looks fine in my opinion but it was very stressful because SSSól had too much power and I forgot to use the snúrumúll on her. She is much more listening to me with snúrumúll. You live and learn
Yesterday I was taking photos on a Hestadagur again. It was fine and luckily not raining during I was there. They had funny competitions like riding in costumes. Have you ever seen a farmer riding his tölting cow?
Today a trainer comes to our ranch and I will also take a riding-lesson at him. Baga is still tricking me if I want to ride lope/gallop and maybe he can help me. Either she is running at a snail's pace that I have to push every step out of her or she is runnung like hell and bucking at the same time. Now I am bored/fearful enough not to ride gallop longer. And that's not ok! I think that Baga is only too lazy to go canter on the riding ring and she noticed that I am in fear if she starts to bolt, so she noticed "I only have to bolt and she is not asking for canter again!"
I have a clever horse which is working very good with me. I am not angry with her that she sometimes tries not to work so much. I only hope that I can make her interested in working WITH me soon again .
PS: Now you can see my both horses together on a riding-picture. Is there anybody outthere who still believe that SSSól is small?
Hei, klasse Foto! Schön euch drei mal zusammen unterwegs zu sehen!
Sonja (IP-tala skráð) 5.10.2008 kl. 20:27
Hehhe it looks as Baga is the small one
Silla (IP-tala skráð) 5.10.2008 kl. 23:32
Yes, I think that SSSól is growing every day one centimer
Dank dir, Sonnie. Auch für den letzten lieben Beitrag! Im Moment ist fototechnisch echt viel los, aber macht auch Spaß! Viele traumhafte Verkaufspferde im Moment, aber was soll man machen
... Ich drücke dir die Daumen, dass eine deiner Stuten in der Nachbarschaft bleibt!
Sabine Sebald, 6.10.2008 kl. 07:11
Hier hat es am freitag geschneit... jetzt ist allerdings wieder alles unter wasser... da heisst es irgendwie doch nur unter der bettdecke blleiben.. Ausserdem haben wir im moment so eine sch... kriese.. alle Banken machen hier auf Island zu und so weiter.... keiner kann an sein Geld rann...(ganz so schlimm ist es nicht ;) ) Schwindel hier und da bei den "Hohen Tieren" ... GEld verschwindet...Alles wird Teurer und der Euro ist allerdings wieder etwas gesungen... naja war auf 160.. jetzt ist er auf 156 :/ klasse... irgendwie möchte man das Land fliehen und sich in einer Höhle verkriechen bis dass sich irgendwie regelt... :( :D
Aber hier seht klasse aus, man ist SSSól gross geworden !! müsstest sie mal jetzt messen... sieht aus wie ein echtes Reitpferd, das nächste mal springst du rüber und reitest sunny und führst Baga :)
Hekla (IP-tala skráð) 6.10.2008 kl. 15:11
ohh gott ich habe gelogen... der euro ist schon auf 173 !! jetzt bin ich aber wech.!!!
Hekla (IP-tala skráð) 6.10.2008 kl. 15:32
Vá"hvað sSSól hefur stækkað!!!! Gafstu henni lyftiduft?? Same stuff we use to make the cookies bigger hehehehe........
Ransý (IP-tala skráð) 10.10.2008 kl. 14:16
I know lyftiduft
! I used something very similar on her: ger (brewer's yeast).
Sabine Sebald, 11.10.2008 kl. 04:44
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.