6.9.2008 | 12:56
Riding Horse(s)
But it worked very fine at the riding arena. I could ride all gaits, also lope. Further it was possible to ride slalom and more funny things. It was so great that I tried it few days later again and it was fine again.
Yesterday I decided that Baga had enough holidays and put the saddle and bridle on again. But it seemed as if the free days were not good for her mind because she started to run in fast gallop and was bucking like hell! "Baga my darling, you understood something wrong: I want a western horse - NOT A RODEO-HORSE!!!"So I stopped her and let her trot hundreds of circles until she was wet and then I could ride her in normal lope again

I decided today to ride outside and let her trot a lot to get away her energy. I also tried a little bit lope and it worked fine but I am still distrustful. Maybe she also has so much power because of the coming autumn. She is most time high
As I arrived back home SSSól was still waiting. And like always she was running circles around us as we were back in the paddock. Sometimes I have to tie her to the door because she is going on our nerves :o) If I want to clean the hooves of Baga she is everywhere. And If I say "SSSól, faršu!!!" she goes and comes back immediately if I have a hoof of Baga in my hands. And have you ever tried to clean a horse hoof with a horse nose in your face??? Today it was one of these days and SSSól always followed me "Do something with me, do something with me!" I tried to ignore her but she can be soooooooooooooo penetrant

Süsse, sieht echt Erwachsen aus :)
sieht nicht schlecht aus :)
Hekla (IP-tala skrįš) 6.9.2008 kl. 20:08
Hei! Wie klasse! Bis auf das Durchgehen! Aber klar ist sie uebermuetig nach der Pause! Vielleicht will sie ja auch immer gebisslos geritten werden jetzt???
Ich habe 2 Pferde auf einen Verkaufsblog gestellt. Magst Du sie vielleicht trotzdem auch noch bei Dir mit aufnehmen? Das waer lieb! Rosinen kommen :-)
Sonja (IP-tala skrįš) 6.9.2008 kl. 21:38
Vielen Dank! Deine Adresse braeucht ich nochmal! :-)
Hast Du jetzt eigentlich noch mehr Pferde in IS?
Habe neulich mit Silfris neuer Besitzerin gemailt. Sie ist nett glaube ich :-) Schöne Gruesse, Silfri scheint sie heiss u innig zu lieben! U wie toll er aussieht auf ihrer HP!!! :-)
Schade, dass Du kaum noch im Forum bist!
L Gr
Sonja (IP-tala skrįš) 8.9.2008 kl. 10:11
bild von unseren neuen Sunneva :))) soll dich von ihr ganz doll knuddeln !
Hekla (IP-tala skrįš) 12.9.2008 kl. 21:51
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.