24.8.2008 | 17:56
Wild one
Everything is fine on my little party-pasture. SSSól learned from Baga that opening the gates means having party and now she is the one who is squealing, jumping and bragging. But it's very cute because Baga is always some kind of devil - kicking with her front legs into the sky, squealing and bucking and SSSól makes one "squeak", shakes her head and is calming down immediately "Wasn't I real wild?" she always seems to ask during I am rolling on the ground laughing.
Unfortunately I had to start collecting the apples from the ground because they were too many. Nearly one bucket full of apples comes down during the night and one of the girls - probably Baga - got "runs" of it. Further too many apples can cause a colic and both girls are not very strong in their bellies so I feel better if I collect them and throw them away :o( The trees are all over so building a fence around them would not be a help for me.
The days before we also had an apple-conflict in the morning. After eating the 5? kilo apples Baga was not eating grass. NO! She started to eat the apples from the trees. And of course it's a horse and horses are alive to eat but I can get big problems with the owner of the pasture if she notices that the horses are eating apples from the trees so I told the horses not to eat from the sky but from the earth :o)
One day Baga was very naughty and picked an apple from the tree right under my nose. I told her: "Stop it!". She went on. I sent her away. She squeaked and bucked and acted like a wild wild horse but soon she came back to eat a little grass. But only for few seconds. She tried again to get an apple from the tree and I sent her away a second time. She acted again like a wild wild horse and also kicked with her back legs into my direction so that I attacked her and let her run and run like hell. Always if she wanted to stop to eat again I attacked her and gave her no peace. After few minutes and a really great rodeo-show of Baga I stopped and stand still on my place. She also stopped and looked at me for a while. Suddenly she came. Very slow walking with the head down as if she wanted to ask me: "Please can I eat some grass now?"
I fondled her forehead and allowed her this. She was not trying again to pick up an apple from the tree this day. And I went back from the pasture backwards to look at her but everything was peaceful. Some days later I catched her as she had her nose in the tree. I only shouted "Aaaaa!" and the nose came down IMMEDIATELY!!!
mmm frische Aepfel, gerade vom Baum
Haette ich nur ein Apfelbaum im Garten.....
Die Maedels sind lustig wie immer
Edda (IP-tala skráð) 25.8.2008 kl. 22:31
Ohja, mit denen wird es nie langweilig
Sabine Sebald, 26.8.2008 kl. 06:45
Please send me some Apples ore a Appletree! This is great to pick up Apples outside
.If the Global warming will keep up this speed I might have some Aplestrees in Ásgarði
Have a nice day Sabine mín
Ransý (IP-tala skráð) 26.8.2008 kl. 17:44
und verkaufen strandurlaub nach island :))) Ach ja Stóra-Baga heisst jetzt Sunneva :)))) ist richtig gross und dick geworden seit dem frühjahr als sie herkam :)
Hekla (IP-tala skráð) 28.8.2008 kl. 20:55
Hopefully will the global warming never let you have apple trees in your garden, Ransý mín!
Freut mich, dass es Sunneva bei dir so gut geht, Hekla. Die neuen Bilder sehen echt gut aus, sie macht sich ganz schön!
Sabine Sebald, 29.8.2008 kl. 04:44
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.