First try

I did it yesterday Wink . First I fastened SSSól on the belt of Baga but the rope was too long so that I needed to make it shorter for two times. SSSól is following fine but she is a little bit slow so she managed two times to cross the side (suddenly she was on the left side and not like wanted on the right side). But with a shorter rope it must work fine. That's why Iris should buy me a lead rope in Iceland. I have never seen this before in Germany.
Of course I tried immediately what SSSól is doing if I am riding on Baga and it worked rather fine. Now I know that I have to work alone with SSSól that she knows my signals. Always if I clicked with my tongue, Baga felt in brokk and SSSól was still in walk. She is a very unhurried horse and seems to think "Dúmmdídúmm, what a wonderful day....dúmmdídúmm....don't hurry me..." Tounge

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1 identicon

Great to see that you are working with your girls.And the shorter the rope is between SSSól to Bögu teymingjargjörð the better it would work.Then she can´t go on the wrong side of her.

And it is also better to have a "dúmmý" horse in the start of the training then a crazy horse .I can tell you! My best wishes and I am looking forward to see you next blogg!!!

Ps.Soon I will drive to Draum and bring Sokkudís and Sæludís back home .

Ransý (IP-tala skráð) 31.7.2008 kl. 13:11

2 identicon

Fine that it worked so well the first try   It will be better and better with every try.

íris (IP-tala skráð) 31.7.2008 kl. 13:17

3 identicon

neue bilder von der kleinen auf flickr :)

Hekla (IP-tala skráð) 31.7.2008 kl. 23:24

4 Smámynd: Sabine Sebald

Thank you Ransý! Fine that Sokkadís and Sæladís will be in Ásgarði if Íris arrives. Then she can take some videos and pictures for me. I am very excited about your "dream"-foal of Sokkadís . I am going on with my work with the horses and keep you informed about the progress .

Danke Hekla, Stóra-Baga ist ein Traum .

Sabine Sebald, 2.8.2008 kl. 06:41

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