20.7.2008 | 07:18
Many days later
Now a lot of time has passed since I promised to blog again so surely you all have left me
but I still have hope so try to tell you what's going on.
The electricity-problem has gone or I should say, there is no problem with fences IF THERE IS ELECTRICITY ON but SSSól knows immediatly if a fence is dangerous or not. If I have a little bit more time we will build a real fence-system on my two pastures so that there is always electricity if needed.
Sonnie (her name if she is a good girl) seems to feel good at her new home and hopefully she knows that she finally arrived. I try to give her a peaceful life but of course I have to ride Baga and that's most time stress for SSSól because I have to leave her alone - but it's getting better and better. Further I was walking a little with her (two times since my last blog) and she is doing very fine! She noticed that I like more to have her beside me than behind me and I can walk with her like with an old horse. She only have not learned yet to respect my body because she is always jumping in my arms if she is afraid but of course she will learn this easily
Baga is also doing very fine and I try to train her as often as possible. If SSSól will stay as cool as she is we can hopefully ride longer than one hour again. At the moment I am always thinking on her so I don't want to stay away from home for too long. A friend of mine is giving me riding-lessons and I noticed that I nearly know nothing about horse-riding
. I have to be ashamed that I am owning horses but don't know how to ride them. Luckily we are learning and I have been told that we're improving each other.
Unfortunately we are in our main working season so I often have to work until 18 o'clock or longer. And setting things like buying food, oil or getting photos from the photographic laboratory behind my working time means that I often only come home around 22 o'clock. Then I have to make my dinner and different stuff and go into bed much later than few weeks before. Before getting SSSól from Iceland I often felt asleep in front of my TV before 20 o'clock but I woke up again to watch TV until half ten. So I mostly slept during the time where I am now with the horses! Putting weight on is unpossible although I often take my dinner around 22 o'clock because my water-carriage was empty for many days and I had to carry around 100 liter water every day. Further I am always carrying the hey from one point to another and doing the shit-business day by day is also feeding my muscles
Yesterday I dewormed my girls because I decided that SSSól is not low anymore. You can not longer see her rips and the other parts of her are also looking better now. I think in two months will nobody guess that she had a problem before. Hopefully I will get her through the winter but I am sure about this. I am feeding mostly 20 kg hey day by day (more than they need - so Baga will never be slim again) and SSSól is eating and eating and eating. I am feeding hey because grass is not good for Baga. There is too much protein in grass and that's bad for summer-eczema.
Luckily it seems that I am on the right way because at the moment you can not see that Baga has eczema. There is not one wound on Baga and her mane is still where it has to be. She is rubbing herself but not too much. I have to admit though that we have no summer since many many days. I would say 3 weeks. No problem for me because rain makes the grass growing faster and the horse flies are gone. Because of my less time am I never resting during raining-time. If everybody is fleeing into their houses I am putting the saddle on Baga and go outside riding. If people meet me they say "Hurry up to ride home!" and I am always answering: "Why? I am just starting my ride!" So you can imagine that people find me strangely. There are also riders who would never put a saddle on a wet horse but I am always telling them "What do you think how often icelandic people could ride their horses if they rest them in rain?" Old cowboys would also not say "I can not ride today because it's raining!" So I am going on
. Only buying rain clothes should be done quickly or I am with a cold soon again! I would like to wait until the horse fair in december but then I have to wait for 4 months! I would more like to buy the stuff immediately but money...
. There is a coat which I could buy for 60 EUR but it's rather lightly and will flap like hell if it's windy. I would prefer to buy a real oilskin coat but they most time cost around 200 EUR
Aaaah, have I told you that I took pictures at a ranch horse competition? Frábćrt! Mjög spennandi! You can find a summary of my pictures here: http://skinfaxa.net/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=12251

The electricity-problem has gone or I should say, there is no problem with fences IF THERE IS ELECTRICITY ON but SSSól knows immediatly if a fence is dangerous or not. If I have a little bit more time we will build a real fence-system on my two pastures so that there is always electricity if needed.
Sonnie (her name if she is a good girl) seems to feel good at her new home and hopefully she knows that she finally arrived. I try to give her a peaceful life but of course I have to ride Baga and that's most time stress for SSSól because I have to leave her alone - but it's getting better and better. Further I was walking a little with her (two times since my last blog) and she is doing very fine! She noticed that I like more to have her beside me than behind me and I can walk with her like with an old horse. She only have not learned yet to respect my body because she is always jumping in my arms if she is afraid but of course she will learn this easily

Unfortunately we are in our main working season so I often have to work until 18 o'clock or longer. And setting things like buying food, oil or getting photos from the photographic laboratory behind my working time means that I often only come home around 22 o'clock. Then I have to make my dinner and different stuff and go into bed much later than few weeks before. Before getting SSSól from Iceland I often felt asleep in front of my TV before 20 o'clock but I woke up again to watch TV until half ten. So I mostly slept during the time where I am now with the horses! Putting weight on is unpossible although I often take my dinner around 22 o'clock because my water-carriage was empty for many days and I had to carry around 100 liter water every day. Further I am always carrying the hey from one point to another and doing the shit-business day by day is also feeding my muscles

Aaaah, have I told you that I took pictures at a ranch horse competition? Frábćrt! Mjög spennandi! You can find a summary of my pictures here: http://skinfaxa.net/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=12251
She´s looking better and better
Great photos of the ranch competition
and nice to see you ride Baga...in rain 
Valgerđur (IP-tala skráđ) 20.7.2008 kl. 17:12
Ja echt schöne Bilder! Mal was anderes! Wir wuerden auch gern einen Westernsattel besitzen *spar* Vielleicht können "Deine Leute" da mal was empfehlen? Full Quater muss man gucken, gell?
L Gr
Sonja (IP-tala skráđ) 23.7.2008 kl. 01:09
SSSól is looking now like a ridinghorse and soon she will look like a Baga hehehehe......
.It would by better if the change,Baga would get her look and SSSól will get Bögu look
You and Baga are doing a great job together
!Before you know you will going with both of them with you and that will by mutch more fun for SSSól if she can run with her freind.Keep on the good work with your girls
Ransý (IP-tala skráđ) 25.7.2008 kl. 13:48
Thank you my friends
@Sonja: Für Euch ist ein Westernsattel sicher noch komplizierter, weil Ihr keinen gebrauchten nehmen könnt. Und für mich ist es schon schwer. Ich denke mal, dass der Deuber Island Spezial passen könnte, der ist nur 57 cm lang. Kostet neu ca. 1100 EUR
. Full Quarter ist viel zu lang. Man muss nach Pony oder Semi Quarter mit Roundskirt gucken. Aber Westernsättel sind wie alle anderen, sie müssen genau passen!
@Ransý: Soon SSSól will have a Baga-Look and Baga will get SSSól-Look
. Yesterday I noticed that Baga is not so very fat like I thought. Maybe I found a good level with feeding well but also training as often as possible. I am looking very forward to the time when I will start riding Baga and taking SSSól with me. But first I have to work a little bit more with SSSól. But luckily SSSól is getting more and more cool. Yesterday she was eating the whole hour during I was riding outside. She did not come out of the stable as we went away and was still in the stable as we came back. No cry no panic, only "Have you been away????" That's very fine and I hope it will stay like this forever.
Sabine Sebald, 28.7.2008 kl. 04:07
Dankeeeee :-)
Sonnie (IP-tala skráđ) 31.7.2008 kl. 22:56
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.