3.7.2008 | 11:58
Red devil in hell
Now after 1,5 weeks it seems as if SSSól supposes that she is at home now. She is still going on my nerves from time to time but she is not so very "loopy" like last week
. She learned that it's no good idea to run over me and it's ok to wait 2 seconds until getting the breakfast/dinner. But not 3... After 3 seconds she is shoving Baga away from her feeding trough
. Baga is higher-ranked than SSSól but if SSSól steals her food she is only standing there - starring at the red devil
and wondering why she is eating her food. But Baga is doing the same the other way round. That's comfortable for me.

During my holidays last week I was sitting hour for hour in front of the fence waiting that she comes toooooo near to the fence with her nose. But I had no luck. Today I will build a new one to challenge her
. If this one overlives until Saturday morning they will get access to the second and green pasture.
Unfortunately I had not enough time to go on training Baga. I am only riding three times a week - mostly not longer than one hour because I don't want to let SSSól alone for so long. But it really sucks to ride out at the moment because there are big horseflies everywhere. And they are not only attacking the horse which possibly gets panic because of this - they also attack the rider and bring big pain .

But it seems as if the red devil likes the hell. She is looking a little bit better than last week - in my opinion. I am grooming her daily and she is rather patient with me. Creme here, oil there lift up the feets, stand still. But it works ;o) Maybe I will exercise to walk with her during the weekend (few meters on the pasture - no stress ;o) But actually she is following me mostly if I take her on the beard so I think it's getting easier. I only have to explain to her that she can not jump into my arms if she is frightened. Last time she did - but 200 kg devil can be very heavy .
Ohh die suesse, sie sieht wirklich gut aus, ihr geht´s bestimmt sehr gut bei dir in der Hitze
Edda (IP-tala skráđ) 3.7.2008 kl. 12:48
Ohhhh............how bad she is acting! This red little devil
was use to the electic fencec here in Ásgarđi but of course wires with 5000 wolt! Have you measure how many volts the elecric fence is sending??? And is the power plant ok and the kapal who is supposed to by put in earth good anoff? I am almost sure that there is something not right about the electic on the fence because she know everything about elecric here from Iceland
She is looking mutch better now and has put on alot of weight!Great looking little
now hehehehehehe.....:)Knús frá Ransý.
Ps. I had for last 5 days 5
here in Ásgarđi until I found out that the elecric fence was not working and there was no electric on my little fence where I was moving little by little for the ridinghorses.The broke it down again and again
until I found out what was the problem.One little wire was broke and after I fixed this problem the got 5000 volt in there nose and I was contol there eat again
.You can imagen how fat Biskup is now!!!!
Ransý (IP-tala skráđ) 4.7.2008 kl. 14:40
5000 volt !!!!
Good to know that I have NEVER touch your fence even though I was always so motionless with all my winter-clothing 
I don't know which kind of battery Sabine is using, but I think, one of our common batteries, which are offered in special catalog-companies, but our pasture-fence-batteries are having only 9 volt dry-battery or 12 volt wet battery (like for cars)
THEREFORE maybe little
isn't respecting the fence because it is only itching her 
We are using now 12 volt, because of Lonely, who can go hoof-in-hoof with little
, and earth-sticks around 1m long and now it works very, very well - also for Lonely 
íris (IP-tala skráđ) 5.7.2008 kl. 07:12
OK, this morning my friend told me (has cleared me up
), that the pasture-fence-apparatus is having ađ vísu 9 or 12 volt but if a horse or someone will touch the fence, it will get an electric shock of around 3000 volt and ţví longer the earth-sticks (and ţví more wet the earth will be) ţeim mun better will be the electric shock 
íris (IP-tala skráđ) 6.7.2008 kl. 07:39
Ok, then I am glad - I am also with 9 Volt! I noticed that sometimes the electric fence controller is not working right. If I press the button too much or too less it's not blinking right so I always have to have a look and listen if there is power on or not. I have to blog a lot in the next days - immediately if I have the time
Sabine Sebald, 7.7.2008 kl. 04:02
Hehehehee............Our electic apparatus sends around 6000 volt IN PULSE! Other whise the horses will drop dead if the touch it.It works best in rain when everything is wet and the horses has there shoe on.If the weather are dry and the horses are not on theres shoes it is less electic the get.AND if everything is not like the supposed to by,the young horses are a very fast learner when the electric is on ore off!!! I had a horses who listened to the fence and if he found out that there was not working he broke it down immediatly! He never touch it if it was ok. I am looking forward to your next blogg Sabine
Ps. I have to send you pictures of sokkudís and Sćladís with her new loverboy/fosterfather!! He is a Orrason..............úppsss...what have I done
.But Sokkadís has fallen in love with him
Ransý (IP-tala skráđ) 7.7.2008 kl. 14:34
... and I have fallen in love with Draumur, too

If we are having a long dry season like the last daaaaaaaaaaaaayyyys, we are putting water on the earth sticks
so that the electric fence is working as good as possible 
íris (IP-tala skráđ) 7.7.2008 kl. 21:08
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