25.6.2008 | 06:57
51 % angel, 49 % devil
Everything is fine in our little village in North Germany. I am wondering day by day what strange two years old horse I exported. She learned after two days not to shake her head if I try to put the halter on. I lifted her front legs up from time to time (but I don't know if Ransý has teached her before?) and unfortunately she had some big cracks in her hoofs so that I asked my blacksmith yesterday if he could try to cut her hoofs.
And he did it. He was deep impressed by SSSól. She was jumping a little bit and one time she lost the balance and fell on him but he only laughed and went on with his work. My blacksmith and me are totally sure that SSSól is not a normal two years old horse.
As I took her to lead her to the blacksmith she showed him the finest lull and not walk but he immediately said "Oh, she is only full with tension." And as I brought her back to the paddock with her "new" hoofs she started immediately to fly over the earth in dreamlike fljúgandi brokk!!!! (like Biskup) Unbelievable horse. I think the blacksmith is now thinking that I exported my future competition horse and not a wormy slaughterfoal
She was also very easy to lead yesterday - no comparison to Sunday as I wanted to do a little walk with both horses and SSSól stemmed her feets in the ground and shaked her head "I am not leaving this paddock!!!" Maybe she was afraid that she has to travel again .
Leaving her alone during riding Baga was also no problem yesterday. Sunday she were running like hell and crying after Baga. Is it possible that she learned after few days that we will always come back? Hope so.
@Sigrún: I don't think that SSSól wanted to put away the fly mask of Baga because it is ugly, I more think that she wanted to take this mask for herself. I noticed on Saturday that SSSól was very nervous because of the flies. She could not eat peaceful because of the insects. So I put her halter on with some twists which keep away the flies of the eyes (see above picture).
But SSSól is a little stupid and always hanging with the halter in the fence or wheel barrow so I need to put the halter away if I am not on the paddock to look after her. That's why I bought a new fly mask in size XS for her (the one of Baga is much to big) which she got yesterday the first time. It's rather close and have to be put on like a halter but SSSól was not batting an eyelid and waited until I was ready to put it on her.
But although SSSól is this kind of perfect young horse I could have killed her Monday and Tuesday!!! Monday I came from work and found SSSól in the wrong part of the fence (I am giving parts of long green grass to the horses day by day) - in the green side of life . Baga was waiting on the right side - she has a lot of respect with fences! So I sent SSSól back to Baga and fixed the fence. After that I started to collect a full wheel barrow of horse shit (it was a very stressy evening because I had to work and was buying food and Jens were waiting at home). But suddenly I saw SSSól attacking the fence again so I ran to stop her and fixed the fence AGAIN! Meanwhile this small red devil found the full wheel barrow. Do I need to tell you what happened next? Yes, she knocked it over!!!!! I don't know for sure what the neighbours thought as I ran after this small foal - shouting and swinging the dung fork
. After all I collected all the horse shit again and went away without giving them nammi - like I do if I am in good mood. So I could have killed her on Monday THE FIRST TIME.
Yesterday again! I arrived in the morning and all my fences have been broken down again so I fixed it all - nearly one hour - until the blacksmith arrived. She broke it again as the blacksmith was there and broke it again as the blacksmith were gone. Sometimes she was hanging in the fence and one time she was hinking because of it
. After a lot of shouting and hunting the small red devil I thought to myself "Farđu til andskotans, helvíti trunta! Kill yourself with too much grass (normally she have to eat carefully because of the german grass is not the same like icelandic grass), get a colic and kiss my ass!!!!!!!!!" and I decided to ride out long with Baga - without checking the watch minute after minute and thinking if being alone is too much stress for her. Now I don't have fear longer that she could get a colic because of stress - after all what happened between Saturday and today
But she was ok as Baga and me arrived back after one hour and I know that she was not crying the whole time because we talked to a friend for maybe 15 minutes - only few meters near the paddock. So I know that she started early to eat grass and was not running the whole time like Sunday. That's very great!
The fences were broken as we came back but SSSól was very happy to see us and showed greatest fljúgandi brokk again and after relaxing one hour with Baga I was relaxed enough to smile and be happy about my both horses. It's only a shame that I didn't found the time to do anything else than fixing fences yesterday. These 4 days (now only 3 days left) are my only summer holidays this year!!! My next free days will be in November
I asked Peter to check my fence if the electricity is working and he told me that there is anything wrong so he put away all my fences yesterday evening! So both horses had the long green grass to eat - heaven on earth. Luckily I went to the horse-paddock in the evening because I wanted to use a new insect spray - and I noticed that Baga felt very bad because of all the insects. She knows that there are only few insects in the stable but if outside is green grass, she likes more to be biten til blood than going into the stable to sleep. So I took her and nursed her skin and suddenly she felt asleep. Red devil followed us to the stable and were standing inside of it - also sleeping!!! So I decided to let them both together into the closed stable (4x4 m) for the whole night! I was a little bit nervous because Baga attacked SSSól from time to time (I stayed for some time into the stable to check how they act) but it seems as if they spent a good night. Both were healthy as I opened the stable this morning so from now they will sleep inside every night!
Hehehe welcome to the group of raising youngsters
It is always the question, should it stay or should it go. But reading your story I could always predict what SSSól would do next,,, just too funny
But she´s really cute and Baga already seems to be a matron in the group not wanting to get too involved with with this baby, but propably she also behaved like this while growing up. Who said: Curiousity killed the cat?? But maybe it should be curiousity killed the horse
Sigrún (IP-tala skráđ) 26.6.2008 kl. 15:26
haha Red Devil, lustiger Spitzname
Ich habe auch so eine Stute, das Grass ist immer gruener auf der anderen Seite! Aber jetzt ist sie lieb und ist auf ihrer Wiese zufrieden, hat bestimmt etwas letzten Winter im Stall gelernt
Ohh die Muecken, das einzige was ich in Deutschland NICHT vermisse!!! (Und die Bremsen und die Zecken!
Gruesse, Edda
Edda (IP-tala skráđ) 26.6.2008 kl. 20:24
Ţetta blogg var mjög skemmtilegt Sabine hehehehe.......Red little devil,very funny blogg
.I have never worked with her legs,just trained her a little bit to follow human so it would by easier for both her and you when you picked her up after her flight.
She is like a very bad teenager with her mom ruin all this fine fence you where making to give them a little bit of grass each day
I know how you feel about her,love her this minute and she is so cute ...........until the fence brake down
This she didn´t learn in Ásgarđi,somone in the airplane has thought this to her I think hehehehehehe........
Keep on blogging about her, it is so mutch fun to read what your girls are doing and you
.Kćr kveđja frá alltof heitu Íslandi .
Ransý (IP-tala skráđ) 27.6.2008 kl. 13:14
Thank you for your comments
@Sigrún: I hope curiousity kills not the horse because she is soooooooooooooo curious!!!! NOTHING is allowed to stand outside. It will be attacked IMMEDIATELY
. I have a lot of cremes and oils to care about Baga but now I only can take one bottle in my hand, not some on the ground. Otherwise one bottle will end up in her mouth, a second under her feet and the third "oooops" under her back feet
@Edda: Red Devil ist jetzt wirklich ihr Spitzname! Wo warst du in Deutschland? Ich hasse auch all diese Viecher
@Ransý: Vá, if you never worked with her legs, she is really a fast learner. Now I am cleaning her hoofs often that she find it normal. I am grooming her every day and she loves it! Then she is always so cute!!!!!!!! Further I am leading her on the rope often now. Not much but it works better every day. I still have no solution because of the fences, soon I need to build a new one and if she breaks this - she will stand in the garden of the neighbours so I will be in big trouble. I got a new battery for the electricity unit but I don't know yet if it works.
Today I am taking pictures on a hestamannamót so maybe I can blogg some news tommorrow. Thank you for staying tuned
Sabine Sebald, 28.6.2008 kl. 05:25
Ich war in Mitgenfeld (Ochsenhausen), ein kleines Ort in der Naehe von Bad Brueckenau.
Edda (IP-tala skráđ) 28.6.2008 kl. 10:37
Ha ha haaaaa..... gut geschrieben. Hoffe die neue Batterie hilft Dir, sie den Zaun achten zu lehren!
Freu mich auf Bilder.
L Gr
Sonnie (IP-tala skráđ) 28.6.2008 kl. 12:15
SSSól scheint ja ein richtiges B"Engelchen" zu sein

íris (IP-tala skráđ) 29.6.2008 kl. 09:02
Wow, that photo of Baga´s ass and the street looks just like a farm that is in Sossmar where I trained a shettie
when I was little. But then I guess it looks the same every small town in Germany 
Sigrún (IP-tala skráđ) 30.6.2008 kl. 09:54
@Sonnie: Der neueste Zaun steht nun schon seit 12 Stunden, aber da ist ein kleiner Äppelhaufen auf der falschen Seite. Ob der da vorher schon war?
@Iris: Nicht umsonst der Spitzname Red Devil. Der Name ist Programm
. Den eigentlichen Namen Sonnie benutzte ich äußerst selten
@Sigrún: Sossmar is 15 kilometers away from my home. Everything looks very alike in our area
. From time to time I see a woman which is around 30 years with dark hairs but nearly your face. I asked her but she seems not to be related to you. I always want to say "Hć Silla" to her
I still found no time to blog because of taking 2500 pictures at a horse day during the weekend. And after work I need two hours to care about the girls (without riding) but I collect stories and you will get a big blog soon again. Hopefully will I find some funny things to write about - that you stay tuned
Sabine Sebald, 1.7.2008 kl. 07:37
Hehehe I would really like to meet this woman or better yet could you take a picture of her?
I sent you mail on skinfaxa. maybe you have time to look it over? Another similar mail is coming soon
Silla (IP-tala skráđ) 1.7.2008 kl. 14:33
If I see this woman again I will take a picture of her
. Yes, I received your mail and am yet ready to read it. Sorry for not answering
it's because of the less time I had. I will work it out asap - latest next weekend, ok?
Further I surely can blog soon again because I built a new fence yesterday and I am very sure that SSSól will break it today - latest if I take Baga to ride away
. And I have my camera with me today...
Sabine Sebald, 1.7.2008 kl. 15:10
Glueckwunsch zu dem witzigen schlauen Pferdchen!
Ich kann mir das Teufelchen gut vorstellen und es ist mir schon mal SEHR sympathisch!

Antje (IP-tala skráđ) 3.7.2008 kl. 05:12
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.