Finally together

Everything went fine but like I joked my driver really slept over! Crying His alarm clock was not working and so we started at 2:45 not at 2:00 o'clock. As we arrived in Liege around 8 o'clock the last trailor was standing in front of the door and got its horse. I ran into the hall and saw her immediately - standing alone in her box and wondering why everybody has gone. It was easy to take her and put her on the trailor - THANK YOU RANSÝ!!!! Heart
first contactThen we drove back but we needed to do some breaks because my driver has driven all day alone - nearly 12 hours!!!!!!!!! and sometimes he needed to close his eyes for some minutes. SSSól was more than cool and only eating her hey and drinking a little.
We arrived around 14 o'clock at home and put SSSól in an extra fence which separated her of Baga. They could sniff on each other but not kick themselves. And after two hours I put away the fence and let them talk to each other. Nothing bad happened. Baga was squeaking a lot and sometimes kicking with her front leg (only in the air) but Look at Baga's front leg ;o)they did not fighted. SSSól was only telling Baga that she is a kid and needs to be handled nice but later she got more and more brave and started to bit into the nose of Baga Grin. I think they don't love each other but they are acting like sisters and that's ok. Later they also fondled each other a little bit until one started to bite the other one again Tounge. SSSól was eating a lot of hey and tested some linseed pellets (to loose her winter coat as quick as possible) and Baga also got her normal food. Everything in peace.  As I left them they were calm. Today I will go riding with Baga - I am very excited if SSSól Frekja ;o)will stay cool but I am sure about this Wink. Then I will walk a little bit with SSSól. Soon both will sleep inside of the stable together but first we have to build a new door and make some changings. Going out to see after the both girls and taking some new pictures and brushing SSSól. See you...

You can see the pictures of yesterday here: and on page 7 of the same albúm.

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1 identicon

Super klasse... mir fehlen die Worte... Herzlichen Glueckwunsch, dass alles geklappt hat und SSSól nun endlich bei dir ist... Die Bilder sind richtig suess und Baga sieht klasse aus mit ihrer Maske

Ich wuensche Dir viel Spass mit deinen beiden Maedels

 Knuddelgruesse aus Selfoss

P.s.. Ich werde versuchen Dir bald mal wieder Fotos von Stóra Baga zu schicken... werde da ja taeglich vorbei fahren in der Landsmót Woche  

Mona (IP-tala skráđ) 22.6.2008 kl. 09:43

2 identicon

herzlichen glückwunsch zum zuwachs ;) ohh toll endlich ! gut das alles geklappt hat, und sie scheint ja sehr zu frieden zu sein, ob sie wohl merkt das sie jetzt in einem anderen land ist ?

 Ich habe gestern ein paar Bilder von Stóra-Baga gemacht. ich tu sie gleich auf flickr.

Hekla (IP-tala skráđ) 22.6.2008 kl. 09:59

3 Smámynd: Sabine Sebald

Danke Ihr Lieben . Fotos von Stóra-Baga sind immer willkommen  *schnellinFlickrreinschau*. Ich glaube fast, dass SSSól weiß, dass sie angekommen ist, denn auf der Weide kann ich sie ganz gut führen, aber wehe es geht Richtung Ausgang, dann fühlt sie sich an wie in den Boden betoniert . Ich glaube, sie will nicht mehr weg.

Sabine Sebald, 22.6.2008 kl. 18:06

4 identicon

Ohhh, herzlichen Glueckwunsch Bíne!

Schön dass sie nun endlich bei Dir ist und Baga Gesellschaft leistet!

Und Dein Fohlen von diesem Jahr ist ja zu suess!

Viele liebe Gruesse und viel Spass mit der Kleinen!

Ich werde wohl auch in diesem Jahr nicht zum Landsmót kommen... vielleicht treffen wir uns dann ja 2010 dort :-) Boah...2010... wie sich das schreibt.... war doch grad erst 2000 durch, oder? ;-)

Drueck Dich.

Sonja (IP-tala skráđ) 23.6.2008 kl. 01:13

5 identicon

Great to SSSól her with Baga .Finally the meet and now the will by very closed freinds and one day you have 2 ridinghorse and can go for a long trip on them!

SSSól is a fast learner and it was very easy to teach her to follow the leader on the other end of the rein . Now I will wait spennt to see what tricks you will teach her .

Ransý (IP-tala skráđ) 23.6.2008 kl. 01:24

6 Smámynd: Sabine Sebald

Danke, Sonnie - das ist übrigens auch der Spitzname von SSSól . Genau, wir sehen uns beim Landsmót 2010, da bin ich dann schon 30 .

Takk, Ransý! Baga and SSSól are still very close to each other. And SSSól is very unhappy when Baga and me go outside riding. But she will learn that we always come back .

Sabine Sebald, 23.6.2008 kl. 07:57

7 identicon everything is as it should be

Valgerđur (IP-tala skráđ) 23.6.2008 kl. 09:49

8 identicon

It came true what Sigrún has promised one day past: "Fall er fararheill!"

Stupid without Internet in the office and now - because of our heyskapur - it will become around klukkan 22.30 until I can take a look at my emails   .. and I still have to take a shower

Your pics are very krúttleg, especially this one of you and SSSól, who is lying on the ground   On the last pic, take a look at her ear , she is looking like Klopfer, my brún dwarf-lop 

It seems to be that she felt warm today maybe so she will get rid faster of her winter-coat.

íris (IP-tala skráđ) 23.6.2008 kl. 20:54

9 identicon

Herzlichen Glueckwunsch :) Super dass alles so gut geklappt hat.

Die Bilder sind super

Edda (IP-tala skráđ) 23.6.2008 kl. 23:22

10 identicon

Ja, toll das SSSól endlich da ist, und sieht echt gut aus.

Sie will wahrscheinlich die Maske von Baga weg nehmen :O) so soll mann garnicht aussehen :O))))

Sigrún (IP-tala skráđ) 24.6.2008 kl. 18:43

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