19.4.2008 | 06:55
Flight on 26.04.08?
7 days before the new flight date: SSSól is with Hulda and eats a lot of hey in her own box
. I have to clean the horse paddock today like every Saturday and later I will go for a riding-tour with Baga. Yesterday evening I took her without saddle and rode through the darkness. Only to relax. Peter, the boss of my horse-stable, worked on my horsehouse and built a box for my girls to sleep in. There will be a third horse on my paddock which should not stay inside during the night but Baga and SSSól should NOT eat grass during the night so they have to be in jail
. If anybody wants to know more about summer-eczema, I can tell you.
Further Peter build a smaller fence in our big horse-fence that SSSól will be near to the other horses but she is secured. They will know each other better after some days and the first contact will not be so dangerous. If all horses know each other and can live together, the big horses will go into their summer-fields. I will wait for about 3-4 weeks until SSSól can be leaded on the halter easily and until she has eaten small parts of grass daily.
On the day as SSSól came to Hulda, Stóra-Baga moved to the South of Iceland (see her on the picture). Thank you for your help, Ransý & Hekla!
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