22.3.2008 | 06:18
Föstudagurinn langi
This text is from yesterday. As I was ready to write it I wanted to upload some pictures but it didn't worked and as I tried later to publish the text - the page didn't worked longer .
Föstudagurinn langi:
Today I have to clean the horse-paddock and of course it should rain the whole day today. But I bought some rain-trousers and hopefully I can work longer in the rain with it. Further I want to go horse-riding because Baga and I have to get more condition and that's not working if we only move our ass one day a week.
Yesterday the weather also was bad so I decided only to put Baga on the longe to check the new snúrumúll I got. I think it's working right . But Baga was rather frek yesterday and always tried to eat grass during the longeing.
Tommorrow I also have to clean the horse-paddock but I also want to visit my parents with uncle and grand-mom so I have to hurry tommorrow morning to get the shit away, clean myself and driving (maybe in snow?) to my family (60 km one-way). After it I have to hurry back to go on cleaning the horse-paddock because I never can manage to get all shit away in the short time I have tommorrow morning. Then I have to clean myself again and going to the páskaeldur í kvöld. There I will check how much Brennivín I can drink without smoking a cigarette . Have I ever told you that stopped smoking in November?
These days I got my new mobile phone. You can see it here. It's with a 3,2 megapixel camera so that I can take better pictures of my horse(s) without taking my 5-kg-Canon with me.
I am looking very forward to this weekend because Ransý told me that she will pick up SSSól for me in Reiđholt and I am so excited to see new pictures of her and to book her flight to Belgium. Unfortunately everything around the transport is rather complicated because my driver have to work on Saturdays all two weeks and Jens has a seminar of the fire department until middle of April but it seems as if the date 18./19.04. could be perfect but we don't know until now if there will be a flight on this date. My exporter can maybe tell me more after Easter. I hope that you all will keep your fingers crossed for a well and early journey of my sunny girl!!!! I am only a bundle of nerves and will stay it until the day she arrived fine at her new home...
Saturday after föstudagurinn langi:
I was right because it really were raining nearly the whole day yesterday but I found 1,5 hours with some blue sky and sun and took Baga immediately to go riding outside. Everything was ok but Baga was a little bit "I don't find a word for it" scary? bitchy? hot? yesterday so one time I nearly fall down as two birds flew up behind us but luckily Baga stopped very soon again that I could stay on her back. She often was a little frightened after that and as I wanted to trot she always tried to run away in gallop so I decided not to go faster then walk until we are back home. Later she tumbled (over her own feets?) and fall on her nose. Luckily I could hold onto the saddle - otherwise I would have flown over her head...So this was not our best reiđtúr....I hope I can go riding today that this bad feeling of yesterday is going away soon again. But I am still only writing my blogg although I have to hurry today!
Like I wrote yesterday it is snowing today like hell. But I don't think that the snow will stay on the ground - it's too warm for it at the moment (+2°C).
Of course I didn't managed yesterday to work on www.gaedingur.com - maybe I will do it anytime this weekend. Have to go out now to clean the horse paddock and feeding the horses!
I will keep all my fingers crossed for you that SSSól will get the flight middle of April soon

last night, there we have had some snow, but early this morning it was gone away again - FORTUNATELY !!!! I want to have better and warm weather and I hope that my pains of my back will gone away with the wintertime
On Thursday, the physiotherapist said, even if I go next Saturday to the nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) they will find nothing - he betted with me
... because it's a problem caused by stress and it's from my colon/large intestine which is lying in the sacroiliac joint. Therefore nothing of the 100 injections were helping and that my doc earned a golden nose by me this month
... until middle of April I have to go up to twice a week to this physio and he said, that we can make it better BUT I have to change something in my life, less stress, before I will get a prolapsed intervertebral disc (Bandscheibenvorfall).
Funny, he also said, that when I entered the door, he was just seeing that I'm having problems with my colon (I WASN'T unaware of THIS before!) because of my eyes, as I was walking and because of my posture
On Tuesday I will ask him WHY/HOW he has seen this?! and during our spjalla I recognized certain syntoms he was listing
... now I needed a smilie with a light bulb 
knús, íris
íris (IP-tala skráđ) 22.3.2008 kl. 10:59
Thank you, Iris
It's terrible how bad you feel because of your back. Very strange that your physiotherapist thinks that your colon is the problem. How can he know? Mabe it's his experience as a physiotherapist? I'll keep my fingers crossed for your health
Knús, Sabine
Sabine Sebald, 23.3.2008 kl. 07:07
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.