15.3.2008 | 07:45
I am not yet ready with uploading all the pictures of the Icehorse but the week was too busy for it. I bought some overreach boots for Baga - one pair with 120 g and one with 230 g and after some more condition-training I will use them on her. Yesterday I put the 120 g on her back legs only to make her used to it. She was ok with it but the ground was so wet and sludgy that I put them away soon again. Here you can see a small mobile-phone-video of Baga during the longeing.
Today I have to clean the paddock like every Saturday and later I will go for a ride into the shining sun . Maybe there will follow some new pictures or seasick videos again!
Addition (16.03.08 02:05 o'clock):
We were riding outside for nearly two hours. Baga was sweating a lot because we had around +15°C with sun so I went off her after 50 minutes and walked some time. It was a great day and I want to share its memories with you. Here you can see a video (without getting seasick ;o)
and pictures... (before)
and after.
Today I finally have to go on working with the Icehorse-pictures. The weather should be bad what would help me to stay on the computer and not going outside horse-riding! But possibly Baga is with muscle ache today so I would only put her on the longe again for 15 minutes.
Hehhe yeah, I didn´t get seasick this time
I also remember now the roads that I used to ride, when I was little, by whatching the surroundings in you video
Almost all the same with the cornfields to the sides.
Sigrún (IP-tala skráð) 20.3.2008 kl. 10:45
Hey! Fine that you didn't got seasick this time and that I could bring back some memories to you
Sabine Sebald, 21.3.2008 kl. 05:51
Bin richtig neidisch aber auch stolz auf dich... schön zu sehen, dass alles so gut geht.
Glaub aber ich muss mich ein wenig schaemen, denn ich glaub ich hab dir noch nichtmal meine neue HP von Fenni und Fibbs geschickt
Sorry sorry...
Hier der link: www.123.is/snaefaxa
Mona (IP-tala skráð) 21.3.2008 kl. 10:13
Danke dir
. Beim ersten Mal hatte ich eine vertrauenswürdige und beruhigende Person dabei und schon einen Tag später sind Baga und ich zitternd alleine los
. An dem Tag muss irgendein Knoten geplatzt sein, seitdem reite ich fast nur noch alleine aus. Es gibt zwar immer wieder Momente oder Tage, die nicht so schön sind, aber wenn alles ein gutes Ende nimmt, muss man das einfach als positives Erlebnis hinnehmen
Deine neue HP habe ich selbstverständlich gefunden! Ich hoffe, du hast nun einen Fahrer für das Unfolaldasýning gefunden? Ich drücke euch ganz fest die Daumen. So, nun blogge ich mal meinen Text von gestern. Als ich mit schreiben fertig war, spinnte der Blogg.....
Sabine Sebald, 22.3.2008 kl. 05:56
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.