24.11.2007 | 05:30
Nothing happening
Hć you, my friends, who found the way to my completely un-actual blog. Unfortunately there was nothing to blog in the last weeks and if there were a little I didn't found the time to write in icelandic so I did nothing
. That's why I decided today to write english again until I have more time...
After coming back from Iceland I wanted to go horseriding every day but of course it was raining the most time in the rest of my holidays. And if it was dry enough to ride then the ground were too wet and slippery...
Anyhow I found the time to order my calendars and at the moment I am sending them all away. Soon the last letters to Switzerland and Iceland will be on their way. It seems as if I need to order a second run so it is still possible to order calendars.
Sonja, thank you for the note about hnjóska, luckily Sokkadís is well again .
Unfortunately I went sick last week but I am not really healthy again today. I was working the whole time - only last Friday was a free day but I felt worst on this day. I am spennt how long I will be this kind of half-sick...
Today we will go for a visit to my parents because Jens will work in their house, tommorrow we want to work a lot at the ranch. My friends have done there a lot yet but it's going on. Soon there will come a new horse to our group - it will be the seventh horse in the group. I hope Baga can live with this, the last two times she has been hitten a lot and had very bad fights .
PS: I put some pictures from Iceland in my text, then it's maybe not so boring to read it!
Well, so nice to hear from you again
Thought that now for sure you had dropped from this side of earth 
Yes, this weather can get every one sick, but I hope you´ll be fealing better. What did you find out about hnjúskar? Can you share?
What are you going to do with Stóra-Baga? Are you taking her to Germany? Did you buy any more this year for yourself?
Sigrún (IP-tala skráđ) 25.11.2007 kl. 23:17
What is knjúskar????
Sitting in the office and less work is so boring ....
so I was looking if someone has blogged some new things 
íris (IP-tala skráđ) 26.11.2007 kl. 07:36
Hć Íris mín
Hnjúskar are lots of some kind of bumps all over the horses coat. Actually it is an infection. It happens in alot of rain and cold weathers plus frost inbetween. The hairs kind of stick together in flocks. The coat does not work properly and the horse is cold, plus you can not ride him because it hurts him. The weather now is exactly a horrible hnjúskaweather right now.
Sigrún (IP-tala skráđ) 26.11.2007 kl. 09:58
Hć Sigrún mín,
aaaah, by hnjúskar the coat doesn't works good and by rain rot it's a sickness of the skin. Does hnjúskar is the same like Pilzinfektion??? The horse will get a Pilzinfektion, because the coat isn't working well?
My trainer was coming last Saturday and she told me, that one of her Icelandic horeses has got some bumps on his back, where the saddle is lying and it hurts him while riding. She has never had a horse before with such bumps.
What are you doing in ísland, when a horse will get hnjúskar?
íris (IP-tala skráđ) 26.11.2007 kl. 10:21
German text about hnjúskar: http://de.eidfaxi.is/Nachricht/Read/1991
I don't know where the icelandic text is.
No, I have not dropped from your side of earth ;o) On Saturday I asked a german woman if she is related to you, she looked very similar to you, only with dark hairs but she said no
Stóra-Baga is my future-breeding-mare. I will keep her for my breed in Iceland. I am much too poor to buy so many horses. Either I don't wanted to BUY nothing but she was too great! But if you ask me I surely would fine more foals/horses to buy everytime in the year. But now I am looking forward to the foal which I will get next year of Sokkadís - and not longer thinking about what to buy next
Sabine Sebald, 28.11.2007 kl. 05:08
Hehehhe Sabine that could have been my aunt who lives in Hohenhameln but she´s about 65. Then I only have 2 cousins one is 40 and the other 44. My aunt and my cousin of 44 do actually have dark hair. The other one has kind of blondish. From my cousins I only know where the 40 year old lives and that is in Hamburg.
Íris my vet said to buy hibiscrub( some kind of anticeptic) and leave in for an hour and then wash out with some kind of tar shampoo, god I don´t know if that´s written like this
Treat the horse for one week and then it schould be gone. I havn´t started it yet cause I guess it goes also out by itself when the horse body accepts the hay, if you know what I mean starts loosing it´s winter coat. I´ve got six foals in my stable right now and I don´t have alot of time in the stable. Tomorrow morning I´m driving east to pick up 2 other horses which will be the last two of the bunch that will be in the stable for now until march. Yeez the foals are so cute and a real color bunch 
Sigrún (IP-tala skráđ) 28.11.2007 kl. 21:54
Hć sigrún mín,
According to Hibiscrub I found this: http://www.medical-solution.ch/deutsch/produkte/verbrauchsmaterial/hibi-desinfektion.html
I know for good, caring like this takes a lot of time
I have had a lot of skin-troubles with Lokkur this year and still having (not so much like in sumar, but still not finished)
I have had to wash him also every second day with a special shampoo called Dia Derman (http://www.animal-life-web.com/product_info.php?products_id=2488&SESS=4a9962f080e4c824a3469a949ecca296 ), it's mikrobakteriell. And it has to be on the horse only for 30seconds
- try to wash a complete horse and wash away the shampoo within 30 seconds. He has got 4 - expensive! - injections against Hautpilz; for nothing, 'cause he is still itching. Also our vet has said, that with loosing/changing winter-coat it will stop mostly. Now, my last try, I let done a Haaranalyse by a Tierheilpraktiker and they found out, that he has still different kinds of Hautpilz (not so usual in Germany, because the injections are only against the 12 most existing/usual fungis). My friend was laughing a lot and since it, he is always joshing me, if this woman has found it out by looking in her globe and if Lokkur is a snowbird (= koksen), if she has seen this, too. Why I haven't tried to send some hairs to her from a horsehair-broom, THIS result would be much more interesting. ...and so on ....
Typisch MANN !!!! Only believing what he is seeing. But this week I have to get his medicine and THAN we will see
This Tierheilpraktiker found out some details (without knowing nothing, no medical history, no pic, nothing what he has got before), which she doesn't know and they are right.
íris (IP-tala skráđ) 29.11.2007 kl. 07:19
Bćta viđ athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.