Færsluflokkur: Bloggar

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This blog will be deleted soon, please check my new one at: http://sssol.blogspot.com/

Merry Christmas

I wish you all some wonderful christmas-days and that the new year brings you a lot of health, joy and luck!!!

Here you can see the pictures of the Christmas-Session:

Christmas Show

Today there was a christmas show in the riding hall next to our stable. Teresa (our boss) was asked to show a performance so she danced with her great dog Sammy.
After it she showed tricks with her horse Randalin...
...and told a story...
...about an island with fire on it...
...and ice...
...and about its horses which can be used for travels...
...and work.

There you can also find elves...
...and trolls.
Thanks to all actors, helpers and photographers!

Horse Fair

Last weekend we had a horse fair in Hannover and I met my mother and some friends there. My trainer Klaus was part of the show and it was very interesting to listen to him. As I sat on Baga the next morning I was still remebering what he said and it worked Wink. It's just fascinating how easy it can be to work with your horse.
I was not spending much of money at the horse fair. I only bought a raincoat for me and new reins for Baga. Here you can see Baga with her new reins LoL.

Kalender 2009

Today and tommorrow I am at the horse fair and buy some things for my horses Smile . On Sunday I will order the calendars for 2009. So if you want one - please send me an email.


Für Britta :o)

Balthasar, 30.11.2008
Balthasar, 30.11.2008


Yesterday we took some pictures of our horses with reindeer-antler or Christmas-beanie. My two horses were of course used to it and made no problems but some other horses were a little bit afraid and tried to get rid of the strange trappings ;o) Like always it was very funny and from time to time I was rolling on the ground laughing because the horses tricked their owners or the other way round.

Fun, fun, fun...
Quite natural I also got pictures of my horses and me for the annual Christmas-card. Indeed it was rather complicated to get pictures of us three because SSSól was too cheeky. As I sat on Baga she always laid her head on my leg instead of looking in the middle of the camera. I will not show you the pictures here today because you will get it by mail if you were honest :o) Take it isi. The highlight on this day was the visitors I had. The parents + nephew of my friend Silla came for a visit. It was great to sit together with a coffee and listen to the newest stories from Iceland. We also had a short look at SSSól and said hello to Baga. Guðmundur checked if Baga is still speaking Icelandic and she passed. If you ask me he felt a little bit in love with her ;o) Anyhow was he hugging Baga like his own.

First meeting

the rivals (Mýsla vs. Baga)
the spectators (Tekja & Mýsla)
the wall (Gola between Mýsla and Baga)
the friends (Gola & Baga)
the star (SSSól)

This and that

New category named "This and that" in my gallery: http://skinfaxa.net/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=12681 (5 pages in all). There you can find non-horse-things Wink .
The cat of my sister-in-law named Zwurkel.

Wild one :o)

I took Baga for a walk yesterday because she is standing in a horsebox the first days to see the other mares and I wanted to spend some time with her outside. Of course she is getting a riding-break because of the removal but I find it ok to walk with her to show her the new terrain. After that I let SSSól run over the riding circle. It was funny to see how much power she has :o) You can find some more pictures of SSSól here: http://skinfaxa.net/gallery/main.php?g2_itemId=11292&g2_page=12

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